Inguinal canal

The inguinal canals are the two passages in the anterior abdominal wall which in men convey the spermatic cords and in women the round ligament of uterus. Surgical anatomy of the inguinal canal,rh:slideshare. Borders-and-Boundaries-of-the-Inguinal-Canal. The Inguinal Canal - Boundaries - Contents - TeachMeAnatomy,rh:teachmeanatomy. Diagram-of-the-Descent-of-the-Testis-Embryology.

Rapporter et annet bildeRapporter det støtende bildet. The inguinal canal is a short passage that extends inferiorly and medially, through the inferior part of the abdominal wall. It is superior and parallel to the inguinal . BufretOversett denne sidenA helpful mnemonic to remember inguinal canal walls include : MALT (2M, 2A, 2L, 2T) Mnemonic Starting from superior, moving around in order to posterior: . The inguinal canal is a tubular structure that runs inferomedially and contains the spermatic cord in males and the round ligament in females.

Inguinal Canal - Anatomy Lecture for Medical Students - USMLE Step1. Inguinal Hernia Surgery 3D Medical Animation - Open Procedure - Duration: 1:57.

This is an article describing the anatomy of the inguinal canal, including the contents, borders and related pathology. Inguinal canal: A passage in the lower anterior abdominal wall that in the male allows passage of the spermatic cord and in the female contains the round .


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