Commissura anterior

The anterior commissure is a bundle of nerve fibers (white matter), connecting the two temporal. Anterior commissure - ,rh:en. Split-Brain-Patienten - Das doppelte Ich,rh:lecturio.

Rapporter et annet bildeRapporter det støtende bildet. Latin, Commissura alba anterior medullae spinalis, alba anterior medullae spinalis. The anterior white commissure (ventral white commissure) is a bundle of nerve fibers which . Looking for online definition of commissura labiorum anterior in the Medical Dictionary?

Die Commissura anterior verbindet den vorderen und mittleren Teil der beiden Schläfenlappen (Lobus temporalis), sowie kleinere Bereiche der Stirnlappen . Anterior commissure aka Commissura anterior in the latin terminology and part of - clinical anatomy, topography, functions and more details . T (b arrow, c anterior—posterior extension) resolution. II Reptile, ca: commissura anterior; co: chiasma opticum; cp: commissura pallii ('commissura pallii anterior' of Reptiles). TA] anterior commissure: a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers passing transversely through the lamina terminalis and connecting . The anterior commissure (AC) and the much smaller hippocampal commissure constitute the only interhemispheric pathways at the . Several cell masses around the commissura anterior in the chicken.

The Anterior Commissure (precommissure) is a bundle of white fibers, connecting the two cerebral hemispheres across the middle line, and placed . Capsula interua, pars retrolentiformis 46.

Commissura anterior (CA), 7 Commissura habenularum, Commissura posterior (CP), 7 Commissurotomy, cervical stereotactic, 375 . A bundle of myelinated nerve fibers passing transversely. The term anterior commissure refers to a bundle of nerve fibers that cross the. Home - Datasets - Tyto Alba - Nissl, sagittal, histo, Whole-Brain, adult - 30. JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use BrainMaps.

Popis: Commissura anterior je svazek vláken u přední stěny III. Translation 'Commissura anterior; Commissura rostralis' into english in the free dictionary of anatomical terms and phrases English-Latin-Polish Anationary.


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