What is a dab

The dab is a dance move in which the dancer simultaneously drops the head while raising an arm and the elbow in a gesture that has been noted to resemble . For dager siden - Jesse Lingard properly brought the 'dab' dance craze to the British public consciousness when he scored in Manchester United's 3-draw with . The dab is a dance move that has recently caught on across the Internet and beyond.

OutOfTheLoop — Have you ever seen a whole bunch of news stories/reddit posts/videos or anything else about some topic and you had no . Lebron's doing the dab, Cam Newton's doing the dab, Diddy's doing the dab - what the hell is the dab? A dab usually refers to a dose of concentrate that is heated on a hot surface, usually a nail, and then inhaled through a dab rig. The dab phenomenon has taken over the Western United States and is moving eastward at a rapid pace.

Origins, meaning and video of the Dab dance move – here's what we know. The new dance move has been cropping up everywhere online . By the end of this video, you'll be hittin' the dab all day. The Dab or Dabbing, not to be confused with the recreational use of hash oil that goes by the same name, is a style of hip hop dance that involves dropping .

Bow Wow AKA Shad Moss created his very own PSA on Monday to inform the masses about the origin of dab. What is the dab, who invented it and how do you celebrate like Paul. Carolina Panthers is one of the biggest stars of the dab celebration . FM, and can anyone really tell the difference?

Many abusers of marijuana concentrates also prefer using an e-cigarette/vaporizer because it is smokeless, odorless and easy to hide. Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Digital audio broadcasting (DAB), also known as digital radio and high-definition radio, is audio broadcasting in which analog audio is converted into a digital . Iv only done the good ol fashion bud form cannabis, kief, Hash, and edibles.

MERRY JANE breaks down the differences between dab rigs and dab pens. Last night, Jay Z broke and hit a dab live on stage at the Tidal 10/concert. The move shocked many and instantly sent social media into a . The water pipe can be any marijuana bong converted into a dab rig using the necessary parts. You can also buy dab rigs that are specifically .


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