Gobius 4

Gobius Septikmåler for stål/alu/plast/glassfiber. Lamper i ulike farger viser 1/4-, 1/2- eller 3/4- nivå. Hei, Vurderer å sette tankmåler på min septiktank som er av plast. Supplied by Tek-Tanks in the UK, the Gobius system lets you see the contents of your water, waste or fuel.

Gobius Tankmåler for septiktanker kan monteres utenpå tanker i alle materialer. Gobius tankmätare och nivåvakter har det gemensamma att de är lätta att. Stål, 1-mm; Plast, 2-mm; Aluminium, 2-mm; Glasfiber, 4-mm.

Gobius to an external display from VDO, a, Faria . A waste tank level indicator that measures from the outside of all tanks! It can be retro-fitted to any shape or size of tank is suitable for all waste tanks; in steel, . Svenske Gobius kan kanskje løse problemet med sin nye Gobius 4-serie, som takler tanker for vann, diesel og bensin. The revolutionary technology of Gobius means that all measuring is from the outside of the. You may always later upgrade to Gobius showing four levels. Gobius waste holding tank level indicator system.

Gobius gobius level indicator, tank level, water level, fuel level . Gobius tankmätare för vatten, olja, diesel, bensin.

Dessa larm passar tankar ovan jord tex båtar, husbilar industri mm. Mycket lätt att eftermontera på nya och äldre tankar i metall eller plast. Ingen håltagning eller demontering av tanken behövs. Gobius Quick to install, easy to use Non-Invasive Level indicator Tank monitoring system for fuel, water and waste holding tanks.

Nivåmätare som mäter från tankens utsida. Obroende tankens storlek, form eller vilken vätska som tanken innehåller mäter Gobius trovärdigt. Creisson 5 variabilis, Gobius 18 1variabilis, Periophthalmus 20 20. Waitea mystacina 10 1Waitea parvida 1waitei, Gobius wardii, . As the tank is made of stainless steel and I do not want to make holes in it I'm thinking to use a level indicator called Gobius this is the link: . The Gobius is the only completely external tank monitor on the market!

Suitable for all tanks (plastic, stainless steel, steel or aluminum).


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