/Thread meaning

This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of THREAD is. Fine cord of a fibrous material, such as cotton or flax, made of two or more filaments twisted together and used in needlework and the weaving of cloth. Define thread: a long, thin piece of cotton, silk, etc.

Meaning, pronunciation, example sentences, and more from Oxford Dictionaries. On a message boar the inside of a topic revealing all the messages. In computer programming, a thread is placeholder information associated with a single use of a program that can handle multiple concurrent users.

In online discussions, a series of messages that have been posted as replies to each other.

A single forum or conference typically contains many threads . Definition of discussion thread: Chain of written ideas or opinions (exchanged among two or more participants in an online discussion) linked in the sequence in . Thread definition, a fine cord of flax, cotton, or other fibrous material spun out to considerable length, especially when composed of two or more filaments twisted . Definition of thread: Computing: In multitasking or multithreading environments, set of code that serves as an additional linkage structure in a program. The definition of Thread defined and explained in simple language. A running commentary of text messages pertaining to one topic or question. Message threads are used in all forms of user discussions on the Internet, including . Email Thread Definition - An email thread is an email message that includes a running list of all the succeeding replies starting with the original.

Definition, pronunciation, examples translations.

A thread is similar to the sequential programs described above: a single thread also. Definition: A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program. Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions.

Threads of sunlight streaming through the trees. The definition of thread is a fine line, streak or string. A thread is an independent set of values for the processor registers (for a single core). Now moving on to the definition of a thread. Meaning in Hindi, what is meaning of thread in Hindi dictionary, audio pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of thread in Hindi and English.

A narrative threa or plot thread refers to particular elements and techniques of writing to center the story in the action or experience of characters rather than to . The specific problem is: the opening definition is tautological/circular Please help improve this article if you can. January 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message). Thread safety is a computer programming concept applicable in the context of multithreaded . Left-hand thread according to the free Engineering Dictionary. Most threads on bolts have right-hand thread meaning that turning the bolt clockwise inserts or . In Swedish the expression röd tråd (literally red thread) is used to. The verb meaning to put thread through a needle is recorded from mid-14c.

The real excitement surrounding threads is not about a single sequential thread. The Rc thread is a designation for BSPT (British Standard Pipe Taper).


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